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Key Takeaways

Bryan has an incredible journey…

Prior to joining InstaWorks, Bryan had worked with companies like Groupon and MindBody Inc. within global sales teams. For him, the transformation from working with an extensive team to a relatively smaller one was less about having hands-on experience with the sales rep, but more about the exciting journey of building an organization from scratch. 

Sales playbooks for productivity, empowerment, and enablement  

During his career in sales enablement, Bryan finds the role of playbooks a very helpful resource in maintaining productivity. Documenting the daily operations in a playbook makes the sales operation effective, which eventually enables the company to identify what impact sales operations are having on the organization. The best and average practices documented in this playbook can further be utilized for proactive forecasting and planning.

In fact, he says that the best playbook is peer-driven. At his company, each member of the sales team takes part in documenting the playbook and helps other team members, especially new hires resonate with the strategies that work.

‘It’s ultimately about having good conversations’

As with any sales team, Bryan’s work also involves a lot of sales tech. Especially now that his sales team is exclusively working from home – communication tools such as Slack have been of immense help.

But despite working with multiple communication tools and gadgets, Bryan finds good old fashioned phone calls are the best way to connect with a prospective decision-maker. Sales are all about having a great conversation and even in the midst of numerous dynamic communication channels – just picking up the phone to chat is the best way to connect, says Bryan.

#1 sales metric: number of decision-maker contacts

Bryan says that the conversion time between accessing the decision-makers’ contact and setting up an appointment is the most important sales metrics; and one that is often overlooked as well.

He says that the key sales methodology focuses on the first impression. While laying emphasis on getting a qualifying sale is critical to define the true skill set, it is usually analyzed by the first conversation a sales rep has with the decision-makers’.

Bryan’s biggest influences

Bryan says that working with the team at MindBody was a great learning experience for him. His two biggest influences:

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