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The Art and Science of Selling with Andy Paul, Author, Podcaster, and Speaker

This week on the Revenue Insights Podcast, we are joined by Andy Paul, Author, Podcaster, and Speaker.

In this episode, Lee and Andy dig into the art and science of selling. They explore the need to align values betweens individual sellers and their managers, the importance of listening to your buyers to determine what processes you implement, and the value of giving your sellers autonomy to find their own unique selling styles.

Andy is dedicated to teaching sellers how to master their craft and achieve their goals in life and in sales. He currently hosts The Win Rate Podcast, helping listeners to elevate their sales effectiveness and increase their win rates. He has further authored three best-selling, award-winning sales books, including the most recent “Sell Without Selling Out”. Andy is further the Founder of The Sales House, a leadership accelerator for VPs of Sales and Sales Managers of high-growth companies.

Time Stamps:

  • 01:53 – Who is Andy Paul?
  • 04:43 – The biggest challenges facing sellers
  • 06:41 – Why don’t sellers have their own styles?
  • 12:18 – Aligning sellers with business values
  • 16:04 – Do businesses need to become buyer-centric?
  • 20:21 – Making listening to the buyer scalable
  • 24:48 – Find and proving an approach is effective
  • 35:10 – Leveraging data to make sellers more effective
  • 39:02 – Giving sellers autonomy
  • 50:30 – Where to find Andy


Aligning Values

Andy explains that one reason sellers don’t often adopt their own style is because of a pressure from management to conform to a set process. To Andy, it is up to individual sellers to take control of their careers and how they sell because, at the end of the day, they’re the only person that cares about their own success. For this, he recommends deliberately searching for opportunities and managers that match your values, and the same goes for managers who are recruiting. Aligning values is vital for optimum sales performance.

The Importance of Listening to the Buyer 

Recent research shows that it’s not the product or price that wins a deal, it’s the buyer’s experience with your organization, particularly with your sellers. In order to increase your win rate then, you need to ask your team: what are we trying to help the buyer accomplish? Then, you need to reframe your processes to help to achieve this goal.

The Value of Autonomy

Andy further shares that another way to increase your win rates is to give your sellers more autonomy to experiment and find their own processes that are effective. Innovation spurs other innovation, so allowing this autonomy will help your entire team improve their rates.

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