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Learn from the brightest minds how to predictably and efficiently grow revenue.

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Director Of Operations: Steven Wellman of FreshLime

Steven Wellman jumped onto Sales Operations Demystified to share his knowledge and experience in Sales Operations. Check out all the other episodes of Sales Operations Demystified here.

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Tools Mentioned:

  • Pardot
  • Salesforce
  • Inside Sales
  • Zuora
  • Certify
  • ChurnZero
  • PowerBI
  • Klipfolio

Key Takeaways

The trend towards more wholistic operations

Customer-facing teams are shifting away from siloed operations to create a single experience across marketing, sales, and success touchpoints. This is moving towards a more holistic approach which is now commonly known as revenue operations.


It’s about consistency and scalable processes across these teams to create a cost-effective and connected customer experience.

Do you have a revenue operations function?

Add social pressure by sharing data

Stephen mentioned how they show quarterly goal data to all customer-facing teams.

It creates social pressure that can either galvanize efforts or force people to make excuses. Their reactions directly affect how someone progresses within FreshLime.

The distinction was clear between his role and those of the customer-facing individuals. He’s responsible for the accuracy and visibility of the numbers. They are responsible for impacting them.

Operations and management doesn’t have all the answers

I agree that management and operations don’t have all the answers and that they’re not beyond challenging or stress testing.

It’s important to maintain strong communication lines with reps to understand their world. Understand their challenges and serve them just like customers.

Contact rate by dial attempt

Stephen’s favorite sales metric is Contact Rate by Dial Attempt. Essentially, this allows him to see the frequency of contact reps, whether that’s 2 or 16 times. The former would be too little and the latter would be too much.

I can see that this enables Stephen to coach reps very effectively on how to use their time.

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