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Director Of Sales Operations: Zachary Cummings of Artemis Health

Zachary Cummings jumped onto Sales Operations Demystified to share his knowledge and experience in Sales Operations. Check out all the other episodes of Sales Operations Demystified here.

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Tools Mentioned:

  • Salesforce
  • Linkedin Sales Navigator
  • Vidyard
  • Salesloft
  • Marketo
  • Confluence

Key Takeaways

Empower your reps with structure

The biggest thing I took away from this interview with Zachary was that your sales reps have a better idea about your customers than you do. It’s critical to give your SDRs and AEs the freedom to trial ideas that could result in massive productivity gains.

For example, the Artemis Health sales team meets every month to review tests that each individual rep has undertaken. Each rep is given a $100 budget can test anything that they can measure with data.

This led to them rolling our Vidyard to the whole team as one SDR increased his conversation rate by 16% through testing their free trial.

Create a discount matrix

Zachary mentioned another example of empowering reps to be creative that he has found effective: creating a discount matrix. Zachary included all the different modifications a sales rep can make to a deal in order to push it through with the client.

This empowered reps whilst also not annoying the CFO, as the matrix was pre-approved by the relevant stakeholders.

Simple forecasting

Artemis Medical forecast by asking reps to assign each deal into one of three categories:

  • Target – “May or may not come in”
  • Gut – “I have a feeling this will come in”
  • Commit – “I am very confident this will come in”

This radically simplifies their sales process which will reduce the time spent in this area, free-ing it to be spent on higher leverage tasks.

Analyze wholistic metrics

Zachary’s chosen metric was: “Closed Won Reasons” as tells him why they are winning. It also is a more wholistic business health metric and doesn’t just tell you how well your sales team are performing.

Artemis Health learned that actually the product won some deals and services won others… these metrics can tell you about how well other parts of the business are performing apart from just the sales team.

Focus on both effort and result metrics

Zachary tracks both effort and result metrics each day with each rep. If a rep has high effort but low results then he knows that rep needs further training. If it’s the other way around and the rep is performing but not put the effort in then Zachary will often be lenient on the rep… depending on their attitude.

This method is effective as it keeps Zacchary and the sales managers intensely focussed on rep performance each day and enables them to mitigate any issues rapidly instead of waiting until the end of the month or quarter.

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