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Key Takeaways

The blurring of marketing and sales ops

Why are operations teams split across the revenue-generating functions?

Who knows… and maybe we don’t need to.

In operations, you need to understand how data flows into businesses through marketing. How it continues to sales, travels to conversion and converts into a customer that’s nurtured by the success team.

Without a cohesive approach, this data flow can be disrupted, leading to inconsistent customer experience.

Data quality appreciates “behind the scenes”

A lot can be done to improve data quality “behind the scenes”, with little effort required from your reps.

Strategies that involve less time from reps and deliver better dividends for them to use. Quality in, quality out.

Show reps that the data you provide can be valuable to other parts of the business

Instead of explaining to a sales rep how their life will improve (read: get more commission) if they get better at data entry… why not try explaining to them how someone else’s life in the business will improve?

Previously, support reps at Blendtek had to access the inboxes of the sales team so they could manually search for purchase orders if customers requested information.

Mike clearly communicated this to the sales reps and explained how it was inefficient for both the support reps and customers. This helped to influence reps behavior and they now enter data into the CRM so the support reps no longer have to dive into the inbox to search for this information.

Tracking response times throughout the funnel

Most sales reps are great at responding to new MQLs and also to deals that are about to close… though sometimes neglect the middle of the funnel.

Response times throughout the pipeline follow a bell curve distribution: fast at the start and close and slow in the middle.

This could be a great area to focus your reps towards. The response speed to prospects in the middle of the sales process?

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