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To learn more about Daniel Manfrim Antonio, Mayara Ferre and PhoneTrack:


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Key Takeaways

Journey into sales operations 

Daniel holds a degree in production engineering and has a few years of working experience in the production industry. From there, he moved to small startups, where he learned about marketing management. Daniel had the learning experience of innovation management from his two partners; he was mainly responsible for all operations, including sales metrics and customer services. After that, he got the opportunity at PhoneTrack to work in sales ops, and since then, Daniel has been part of the company.  

At PhoneTrack, Daniel explains that motivation is the key to learn and to grow in the field.

Initiating her career from the cement industry, Mayara Ferre moved into sales ops at PhoneTrack. She is currently working at PhoneTrack as a sales officer with Daniel; she is a part of ABM  (Account-based marketing) and sales ops at PhoneTrack. She is presently responsible for the sales processes, including devising sales metrics and KPIs for sales reps. Mayara has a bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering from a university in Germany. She also has early experience working in the cement factory.

 Sales ops at PhoneTrack

Mayara is responsible for enterprise and marketing agencies, while Daniel manages overall sales and admin. The number of people working in sales ops currently is 12. The department has SDRs (sales development reps), AEs (account executives), and farmers to manage the sales cycle.

Productivity status of sales rep for the last few months

Daniel explained that since the pandemic, the company had faced many challenges, especially during the early days, as they had to adapt to home offices and communication changes. The main problem was to keep everything connected. After optimization, the communication between the sales team started to get better, and priority became more evident with time.

Daniel defines daily actions as something that keeps his sales reps inspired and productive. They created a drive page to motivate and educate the sales team of the profession. Alongside daily interactions and communication strengthening with sales reps, Daniel ensures training material enhancement as his go-to to help sales reps during the remote working environment.

COVID-19 and the new normal 

In the first month of COVID-19, the sales operation had to make certain modifications in customer interactions. PhoneTrack introduced digital marketing to help customers and increase sales. However, the second month generated the best sales cycle in company history with the right initiatives and digital transformation in place, which increased the company’s growth rate by 5%. 

Sales Forecasting at PhoneTrack

Automotive, real estate, and insurance companies each have a different sales cycle; Daniel told that they have customer service statist, marketing agents, and account managers (Farmers) assigned to them.

#1 sales metrics: measuring conversion rate and communication

Daniel doesn’t believe in one top metric, but he thinks that communication is essential as it gives a bit of vision to the sales rep. The conversion rate and activity both are reliant on each other. 

Daniel’s biggest influence:

Mayara’s biggest influence:

Mayara finds “The Sales Acceleration Formula” book very helpful in devising sales metrics.

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