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Key Takeaways

Alicia was headhunted from support ops into sales ops

Alicia transitioned from a role as a customer success manager into a role in support operations after she enjoyed the technical project management aspect of an operational task given to her.

One of her friends within a different business then reached out to Alicia in regards to a role in sales operations as her experience in support ops would aid them when rolling out their end to end sales process.

InfluxData and their sales team in the world of remote work

Like many teams during these challenging times, InfluxData has shifted to remote work and has introduced a number of measures to ensure sales morale and productivity remain high.

They are leveraging Slack and Zoom for daily standups, have incorporated a “bring a child or pet” to work day and have even started remote social events such as a “drawing class”.

Alicia’s impact on InfluxData’s sales process in the first month

Alicia has only been with InfluxData for a single month, but she is about to implement a process first actioned at a previous role. All commercial departments will draw up an Executive Business Review together.

The keyword here is “together”. Alicia has found that when sales, marketing, and customer success are required to report to leadership in the same report, this fosters a collaborative work environment between the teams, as opposed to a competitive one.

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