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Key Takeaways

“I break and make things”

Dan’s Linkedin tagline does not state an inflated job title. It simply states his mantra: “I break and make things”.

At the start of the interview, he shares that this is a good way to describe the work we do in sales operations.

The single thing you’re probably missing in your onboarding process

All sales teams at SevenRooms move through a two-week onboarding process where the first week is consistent for any role: sales or not sales. Though in week two, all sales reps spend time within every other department in the organization:

  • With the CS team on calls with customers
  • Sitting with the product team
  • Sitting in marketing meetings

This gives the new sales rep a much greater understanding about what the business actually does and how the business helps customers… this will have a massive impact on their ability to interact effectively with customers when the time comes after the second week.

Automating the contracting process

Dan states that too many sales reps manually create contracts for each new customer they close… and yes the rep likes doing this as it means they are close to receiving their commission, but in reality… it is a waste of their time and they often send “out of date templates with the wrong address”.

Instead, at SEVENROOMS, Dan has fully automated this process from within Salesforce with the use of electronic signature software, saving his reps a significant amount of time… and sending more the right contracts with fewer errors!

Working with sales reps

When interacting with reps, Dan always starts with WIIFM (what’s in it for me?) and also tries to earn the reps’ trust early in the process whilst having empathy for their situation.

#1 metric: stage conversion

If Dan could only track one single sales metric for the rest of his career, he would choose stage conversion. This is the conversion through different stages of the sales process. Dan states that this is a valuable metric as it is versatile, as it can tell you whether a rep is performing well or needs coaching by looking at this metric split by rep. It can tell you about broader issues with your sales process such as whether you are priced correctly or are losing out on deals to your competition.

Biggest sales ops related influences:

Dan has three:

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