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Establishing a High-Performance Business through Efficient Change Management with Zach Gropper, Founder and CEO at Insight Revenue

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Zach has held the positions of Head of Sales at CEB, Africa Report for CNBC, and AirDNA. He also has vast knowledge and experience in revenue generation and is constantly finding strategies to improve businesses. 


00:20 – 03:40 – Zach’s Story

04:00 – 07:30 – How to build a high-performance business model 

07:35 – 08:20 – Theory of change management 

10:00 – 14:00 – Approaches to implementing change management 

14:21 – 18:05 – Leveraging on auditing using the CV Gartner model

18:14 – 26:21 – Businesses should be customer-centric

27:06 – 28:31 – Improving the success rate of the customer service 

23:14 – 27:33 – How proper handing over to the CS improves the adoption and retention of business strategies 

31:30 – 37:33 – Ensuring successful execution of change management 

40:09 – 43:10 – Having 20% improvement in performance by having constant conversations with customers and implementing observations

43:28 – 46:41 – Identifying high-performance professionals

46:50 – 49:00 – Zach’s Book Recommendation: Chris Voss- Never Split the Difference

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